Tuesday 20 September 2011


Well hello there,

Tonight i went to Starbucks with my favorit gal pal and a fiew things happened and i would love to share it with you wonderful people.

So at a table next to ours their was these two girls, one of them was asian (not totally sure from which country), and the other girl was canadian.  The asian girl had a little difficulty speeking english so the other girl was talking to her like a robot.  As. If. Every. Word. Was. Its. Own. Sentence.  Because, of course, thats going to make her understand english SO much better ! and the best part was how if the Asian girl didnt understand what her friend was saying, the friend would just talk louder..well listen up canadian girl, SCREAMING ISNT GOING TO MAKE HER UNDERSTAND MORE ! so next time, just repeat what you said a little more slowly and save everybody headachs from you're yelling.

Then we fell on the topic of boys (of course, its our favorit subject).  And of course, we talked about how dumb they can be sometimes.  My gal pal was telling me how a guy once told her that she had a ''wierd'' jacket on..but she was wearing a dress. Really ? You mistakened a dress for a jacket, WOW!   I realized a while ago that you cant always take a man's opinion on fashion to heart.  We both have an ex-friend that dyed his hair turquois and he dyed his eyebrows the same color.. As a airstylist, im telling you all that that is a big no no ! PS he had asked me to dye it for him and i completly refused because i will not be held responsible for a guy running around with turquois eyebrows. HELL NO !

Well that was our exciting weekly visit to starbucks and now im enjoying so good old Teen Mom (im addicted to that show).  Although i 100% do NOT support teen parenthood, that show just draws me in so im going to go watch that shit.

and remember, everyone just needs to shut up and listen.

Peace out :)

Monday 19 September 2011


Well hello there,

On my last post i talked about things that drove me nuts, so to be on a more positive note, i desided to talk about things that i love and enjoy.

1- Reality TV.  I dont care what anybody says, i LOVE reality tv (even Keeping up with the Kardashians).  I dont know why they call it reality cuz half of it isnt really real, but its entertaining so fuck it !

2- Cosmo magazine.  It has shirtless men, good fashion tips and good sex tips..what else could you ask for ?

3- Wool socks.  Dont judge, wool socks are probably the best thing ever after food and you know it !

4- Food.  I just thought i'd mention it since i said wool socks are the best things after food..i especially enjoy bananas, tacos and chicken (interesting mix, i know)

5- Red Heads.  Ohh yes, to all you gingers out there, im waiting (ouh la la)

6- SHOES.  I have an addiction to shoes ( i have 19 pairs not including my gym sneaker).  If im down, had a bad day at work, extremely happy, nervous, excited..so basicly any feeling, i buy a (or 7 ) pair of shoes !

Now that thats done, lets talk about better shit.  My friends and i had a "Bitches Night-in" the other night and we talked about something that really stuck with me ; how stupid boys really are.  Listen guys, if I say that i wanna be single and i dont want a relationship, its because i wanna be single and i dont want a relationship.  So no, playing hard to get wont work.  AND,
insulting and naging me isnt gonna make me attracted to you, its gonna make me wanna punch you in your man goods so shut up.

The best of the best ; the never-ending texter.  Look, if i dont answer your text right away, either its because im busy OR i just dont wanna talk to you.  So no need to send me 7 texts in a 15 minute spand.  Its not gonna make me answer quicker.

Ok, im done !  Lesson of the day : im right (DUHH) so shut up and listen to what i have to say.

Peace out :)

Sunday 18 September 2011

Well hello there,

This is my first entry so please bear with me if it sucks.

Im just gonna jump right in here and start talking about some petpeeves of mine:

1- People who chew like they're cows.  COMMON is it necessary that you chew your gum that loud ? Are you trying to grab someones attention ? If so just go infront of them and do a stupid dance..its not as noisy and i wont punch you in the face for it.

2- Girls who think they're going to be single the rest of they're lives.  Listen chica, you're 16..RELAX ! Worry when you'll be 44. And even then I wouldnt worry about it cuz men are idiots (sorry if you're a man reading this, just saying)

3-Debbie Downers.  To all you Debbie Downers out there : no one on this planet wants to hear about your so-called depressed life. "Ouainn, im fat"..go to the gym and put the cinnamon bun down. Or "ouainn, i dont have any friends" well stop being a bitch to everyone and maybe people will want to talk to you !! and my personal favorit "Ouiann boys dont like me"..well no wonder, YOU'RE DEBBIE DOWNER !!

And last but not least..

4- To all you men out there, will it kill you to put the seat down ?  The toilet wont be like "if you put the seat down, i will bite your penis off!"..So please just put it down.  (you're welcome ladies)

Well those are pretty much it. I hope you all learned a little something something !

PS im not an angry person, i just have opinions and you should just shut up and listen to them.

Peace out :)